CASE STUDY | KSV & Concept2

CASE STUDY | KSV & Concept2


CLIENT: Hired by KSV, a full-service marketing and advertising agency, for their client Concept2, an indoor rowing machine company.

BRIEF: The founders, two brothers, were Olympic rowing athletes themselves and while the agency had garnered much product press, it was not about the brothers and their backstory, the great exercise that it is, and how it’s great exercise for anyone at any age.

WORK: After a thorough review of the account, past press and stories a pitch was created to take to the appropriate press, featuring California to start, since that was leading state with the most participants. I also managed weekly client meetings, supervised four junior staff members and their work for the client.

RESULTS: The LA Times, Reader’s Digest, and an NBC affiliate in Los Angeles led the way with regional and national coverage. Many trades that focus on seniors and exercise also picked up the story, showcasing the Concept2 as an easy exercise that even a senior can do to stay in shape, not get injured and even if you have injuries it’s a great cardio option.

The founders were very pleased.


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